In her capacity as Director-General, Anne Lévy heads the FOPH and presides over its senior management. In these functions she is accountable to the Swiss Federal Council, to which the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA) reports.
Anne Lévy coordinates the FOPH’s business with the FDHA’s planning. She assures representation of the FOPH, and in some cases the FDHA, in interdepartmental working groups and on parliamentary committees and international bodies. In addition, Anne Lévy heads and plans healthcare reform projects at the national level.

Anne Lévy
Director-General of the Federal Office of Public Health FOPH (since 2020)
Lic. sc. pol. degree in political science (University of Lausanne), Executive MBA (University of Fribourg)
Professional career
2015–20 CEO, University Psychiatric Clinics, Basel | 2009–15 Head of Health Protection, Basel-Stadt Department of Health, Basel | 2004–09 Head of Alcohol and Tobacco Section, FOPH, Bern| 2003–04 Technical Assistant to the Assistant Director and Head of the Main Unit Substance Abuse and AIDS, FOPH, Bern | 2001–03 Research Associate, Head of Coordination and Service Platform for Addiction, FOPH, Bern | 2000 Project Manager, United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), New York
Speeches and interviews
Last modification 04.10.2024
Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
+41 58 462 95 05