
In her capacity as Director-General, Anne Lévy heads the FOPH and presides over its senior management. In these functions she is accountable to the Swiss Federal Council, to which the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA) reports.

Anne Lévy coordinates the FOPH’s business with the FDHA’s planning. She assures representation of the FOPH, and in some cases the FDHA, in interdepartmental working groups and on parliamentary committees and international bodies. In addition, Anne Lévy heads and plans healthcare reform projects at the national level.

Anne Lévy

Anne Lévy
Director-General of the Federal Office of Public Health FOPH (since 2020)

Speeches and interviews

Antibiotikaresistenzen: «Bund bekämpft Resistenzen bei Mensch, Tier und Umwelt»

NZZ, 28.6.2024 – Gastbeitrag von Anne Lévy zur Bekämpfung von Antibiotikaresistenzen (in German).

Addiction support: reducing harm remains key

Bern, 6.6.2024 – Closing remarks by Anne Lévy, FOPH Director, at the second national roundtable on crack, Liebefeld – Check against delivery.

70th anniversary of the addiction valais foundation

Sion, 2.5.2024 – Opening address by Anne Lévy, FOPH Director, at the cantonal conference on addiction, Sion – Check against delivery.

Further information


Senior management, directorates, divisions and extra-parliamentary commissions: find out how the FOPH is organised here.

Strategy Health2030

Everyone in Switzerland should continue to benefit from high-quality, affordable healthcare. In the Health2030 Strategy, you can find out how the Federal Council intends to achieve this goal.

Last modification 04.10.2024

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 462 95 05

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