Communicable Diseases Division

Communicable diseases pose a risk to public health. The division monitors these diseases, publishing regular reports on the epidemiological situation, laying down and implementing prevention and control strategies.

The division issues directives, prepares legislation and devises recommendations for medical profession and public.
In this way, it aims – in cooperation with the cantons, international health bodies and other partners:

  • to inform members of the public about – and protect them against – pathogens,
  • to recognise risks at an early stage,
  • to limit the effects of outbreaks and epidemics of communicable diseases in Switzerland.

In addition, the division is currently handling the issues of antibiotic resistance, infections acquired in hospitals and care homes, and vaccinations.

Parham Sendi

Parham Sendi
Head of Communicable Diseases Division

Further Information

Diseases from A to Z

Infectious or communicable diseases (e.g. flu, measles, HIV, borreliosis) and non-communicable diseases (e.g. diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular diseases): Information on this you can find in this section.

Infectious diseases: Outbreaks, Epidemics, Pandemics

Infectious diseases spread even in our age of modern medicine. What constitutes an outbreak? An epidemic or pandemic? You’ll find definitions, the latest figures and our recommendations here.

Combating infectious diseases

Communicable diseases pose a risk to public health. Part of our core remit is to monitor these diseases, from early detection to controlling their spread. We also formulate strategies to address the problem of resistance.

Last modification 12.03.2024

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Prevention and Healthcare Provision Directorate
Communicable Diseases Division
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 463 87 06

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