Prevention of Non-communicable diseases Division

The division works with partners to implement the two national strategies for the prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and addiction. It is also responsible for enforcing the narcotics, tobacco and cancer registration legislation. It works with many different stakeholders.

Preventing non-communicable diseases and addiction, and promoting mental health

Adopting a healthy lifestyle can help to prevent or mitigate the effects on our health of more than half of non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

The division controls, monitors and coordinates measures designed to prevent non-communicable diseases and addiction and promote mental health. It provides the scientific basis and implements the measures envisaged by the NCD Strategy and the Addiction Strategy. In particular, it strengthens measures to promote healthy lifestyles in society, business and the work setting, as well as in the provision of healthcare services. The aim is to promote health literacy among the general public and to establish conditions that will make it easier to adopt healthier behaviour patterns. The work of the division is intended to prevent addiction disorders and provide support for people suffering from addictions.

To implement the strategies, the Department for the Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases works closely with numerous stakeholders at the national, cantonal and regional levels.

Enforcing the Narcotics Act

The department oversees the enforcement of the Narcotics Act, performing the related tasks in the areas of addiction medicine and harm reduction. This includes issuing exemption authorisations and coordinating addiction medicine networks.

Enforcing the Tobacco Products Act

From autumn 2024, the division will ensure the enforcement of the Tobacco Products Act and handle the associated tasks. This includes processing notifications of tobacco products, electronic cigarettes and similar products, publishing product notifications via the TabacInfo portal and supervising and coordinating enforcement by the cantons.

Cancer registration

Since 1 January 2020, doctors, laboratories, hospitals and other private or public healthcare institutions have been required to report certain data on cancer cases to the relevant cancer registry.

The relevant federal law is enforced by the cantons. The division is in charge of the delegation of the duties of the national cancer registry and the children’s cancer registry as well as the supervision of the people and organisations commissioned with the duties delegated. It supports the implementation of the act by promoting better dialogue and, where necessary, close coordination between the FOPH and the various stakeholders involved in cancer registration.

Tobacco Control Fund Office

The Tobacco Control Fund (TCF) is affiliated with the Non-communicable Diseases Division, from where it is administered.

This money helps finance measures to stop people from taking up smoking, to help people give up smoking and to protect non-smokers against passive smoking.

When awarding funds, the TCF refers to the 2017 to 2024 National Strategy on the Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases and the National Addiction Strategy.

Petra Baeriswyl

Petra Baeriswyl
Head of Prevention Non-communicable Diseases Division

Further information

National Strategy Prevention of Non-communicable Diseases (NCD strategy)

A healthy lifestyle would help prevent many non-communicable diseases and reduce their consequences. This is where the NCD strategy and its partners come in.

National Strategy on Addiction

The National Strategy on Addiction aims to prevent the development of addiction, provide help to people with an addiction and reduce the negative impact on health and society.

Addiction & health

Addictions and dependencies pose a risk to individuals and society at large. That’s why we promote people’s health literacy. Find out here about the various addictions and addiction prevention, regulation, damage limitation, counselling and therapies.

La legge sugli stupefacenti

La legge federale sugli stupefacenti e sulle sostanze psicotrope (LStup) e le rispettive ordinanze disciplinano l’impiego di stupefacenti e sostanze psicotrope nonché la ripartizione dei compiti tra le autorità federali e cantonali.

Registrazione delle malattie tumorali

La legge federale sulla registrazione delle malattie tumorali (LRMT) disciplina la raccolta di dati attendibili e significativi sui casi di tumore in Svizzera e promuove la registrazione di altre malattie fortemente diffuse o maligne.

Legge sui prodotti del tabacco

La legge sui prodotti del tabacco e la relativa ordinanza si applicheranno a partire dal 1° ottobre 2024. La legge si prefigge di proteggere la popolazione dagli effetti nocivi del consumo di tabacco e nicotina.

Last modification 08.07.2024

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Prevention and Healthcare Provision Directorate
Prevention Non-communicable diseases Division
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 463 88 24

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