Insurance Supervision Division

The Insurance Supervision Division is responsible for supervising health and accident insurers and for the military insurance system. It has supreme oversight in relation to accident prevention.

The division supervises insurers in areas including governance, risk management, solvency and capital investments. It also approves health insurers’ premiums. In addition it oversees the legislative processes associated with the Health Insurance Supervision Act, the law on accident and military insurance, and part of the Health Insurance Act and its implementing ordinances. The division is also responsible for allocating funds to the cantons for premium reductions and for monitoring the effectiveness of the premium reduction system. It is further responsible for all matters related to the risk equalisation scheme and the social health and accident insurance systems in an international context.

Cristoforo Motta

Philipp Muri
Head of Insurance Supervision Division

Further information

Health insurance

Health insurance guarantees access to good medical care. Find out here about the mandatory insurance requirement, oversight, benefits, tariffs, premiums, quality assurance and amendments to the law.

Accident insurance

Overview of compulsory accident insurance (UVG)

Military insurance

Key information on the Military Insurance Act and on the organisation and oversight of military insurance.

What is accident prevention?

Accident prevention involves the prevention of occupational accidents and illnesses and non-occupational accidents.

Last modification 27.06.2024

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Health and Accident Insurance Directorate
Insurance Supervision Division
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 462 21 11

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