Tariffs and Principles Division

The Tariffs and Principles Division is responsible for all matters relating to tariffs and prices, the licensing of service providers, quality assurance, data management and statistics in connection with compulsory health insurance.

As part of the Health and Accident Insurance Directorate, the division evaluates tariff agreements between care providers and insurers before approval by the Federal Council, and drafts the provisions of ordinances enabling the federal government to exercise its powers and responsibilities in relation to tariffs and prices. It also acts as a specialist arbiter before the Federal Administrative Court, particularly in appeal proceedings relating to cantonal tariff and planning decisions. In addition to this the division devises the principles and instruments used by the federal authorities to assure the quality of the services and benefits provided under health insurance, as well as shaping the health insurance system by way of of amendments to the law and ordinances governing the area of benefits outlined above. The division also processes data on health insurance, publishing diverse related statistics and performance indicators.

Sandra Schneider

Sandra Schneider
Head of Tariffs and Principles Division

Further information

Benefits and tariffs

What medical care does compulsory (basic) insurance pay for? What hospital can you go to for treatment? What about maternity benefits? Which tariffs and prices are set by the authorities?

Health insurance: Supervision of insurers

Insurers offering compulsory health insurance are supervised by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).

Health insurance: Description of services

Who decides what benefits compulsory (basic) health insurance pays? In this section you can find out who is responsible and the procedures for applying for coverage of new benefits.

Legislation regarding insurances

The FOPH’s responsibilities include social health and accident insurance and military insurance and their ongoing development. Here you’ll find the entire range of federal laws and ordinances governing these three insurance schemes.

Health insurance: Current Revision Projects

Various revisions are under way in the field of health insurance. They affect legislation including the Federal Health Insurance Act (KVG/LAMal), the Health Insurance Ordinance (KVV/OAMal) and the Health Insurance Benefits Ordinance (KLV/OPAS).

Last modification 16.03.2021

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Health and Accident Insurance Directorate
Tariffs and Principles Division
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 462 37 23

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