Public security test for the SwissCovid app

28.05.2020 – The smartphone app (Android/iPhone) will help to contain the new coronavirus. The first version is now available for widespread performance and security testing.

You can test the SwissCovid app right now. IT specialists and other interested parties are already testing whether the app’s security is guaranteed. Test results will be sent to the National Cybersecurity Centre (NCSC). It will evaluate and prioritise the issues raised and arrange any modifications to the App that are needed.

Anyone who tests the app can enter their feedback on the NCSC website. The NCSC will review these reports every day and publish a summary on its website in order to guarantee transparency.

You will find further information on the test (Public Security Test «SwissCovid Proximity Tracing system») on the NCSC/MELANI website.

For further information

SwissCovid app to help break chains of infection.

Last modification 04.11.2020

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