25.9.2020 – According to the latest findings, while children can get infected with the new coronavirus, those under age 12 are less likely to have symptoms or spread the virus to other people.
New recommendations for when children under 12 have symptoms of illness
If possible, children under age 12 should be able to attend school and care facilities. Children in this age group get infected with the new coronavirus less frequently in these settings than in the family.
Our recommendations
Child with symptoms of illness who HAS NOT BEEN in close contact with someone with Covid-19 symptoms
a) Your child has minor symptoms of a cold (sniffing, sore throat, light coughing). Otherwise its condition is good:
You child can continue to attend school or a care facility.
b) Your child has a fever. Otherwise its condition is good:
Your child must stay at home. It may only go back to school or the care facility once it has been free of fever for 24 hours.
If the fever lasts three days or more, call a children’s doctor.
If your child experiences other symptoms such as gastrointestinal problems, headaches, aching limbs or loss of sense of smell and/or taste, discuss what to do with the children’s doctor.
c) Your child has a severe cough. Otherwise its condition is good:
Your child must stay at home. It may only go back to school or the care facility if the cough gets significantly better within three days.
If the cough remains severe for more than three days, call a children’s doctor.
If you child experiences other symptoms, for example gastrointestinal problems, headaches, aching limbs or loss of sense of smell and/or taste, discuss what to do with the children’s doctor.
d) Your child has fever or a severe cough and/or is not well:
Call a children’s doctor to discuss what to do.
Child with symptoms of illness who HAS BEEN in close contact with someone with Covid-19 symptoms
The person with whom the child has had close contact has been tested.
a) The person tests POSITIVE:
Your child must stay at home. It should have a test. Call a children’s doctor. They will give you information on what to do next.
b) The person tests NEGATIVE:
Your child may only go back to school or the care facility once it has been free of fever for 24 hours or its cough has got significantly better.
Children with symptoms of illness in a school class or care group
If three or more children in a school class or care group are ill, the cantonal authorities will determine the further procedure for the children in consultation with the children’s doctors responsible for them.
Last modification 04.11.2020
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