Bern, 19.5.2022 – Even when you are no longer capable of judgement, you want to be treated in accordance with your wishes. This requires advance care planning. Now a model enabling people to do this is available for consultation.
Stay self-determined: consultation on model

Start of the public consultation
The Federal Council has deployed a working group to promote advance care planning. The group has drawn up a model that will be subject to a public consultation from mid-May to mid-July 2022. National, cantonal and regional actors and decisionmakers in advance care planning, and all other interested parties, are invited to submit their feedback. You will find more information and documents for submitting feedback at (documents available in German and French).
What advance care planning involves
Advance care planning is something that concerns people of all ages, regardless of their state of health, where they live, their phase of life or their situation. Advance care planning involves the following questions: What is to happen to me if I fall seriously ill, have an accident or become old and frail? How do I want to be treated, cared for or looked after if this happens? Advance care planning also means talking to your relatives about these things and formulating your wishes in the form of clear instructions, for example in an advance care directive (living will) – and making sure that other people can access these instructions if you are not capable of judgement.
Currently advance care directives are not widespread in Switzerland, and those that do exist often do not fulfil their purpose. This can be, for example, because they are not found in time or are formulated in terms that are too general or contradictory. Another challenge is the wide range of offerings available, which makes orientation difficult.
National working group
The Federal Council has recognised the need for action. It has commissioned us at the FOPH and the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences to find solutions together with health and social care professionals within the framework of a working group. The overarching goal is as follows: “As many people as possible should think about their advance care planning and talk about it with their relatives and pro-fessionals,” The model, which is now available, shows how this goal can be achieved.
Last modification 23.05.2022
Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Healthcare and Related Professions Division
Healthcare Developement Section
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157