New functions on the portal for clinical trials

Berne, 12.10.2020 - The Swiss portal SNCTP (Swiss National Clinical Trials Portal) lists all clinical trials that are being conducted in Switzerland and neighbouring countries. The functions have now been extended.

The online portal enables researchers, patients and the general public to search for planned, ongoing and completed studies in the field of human research. All studies are displayed by default, but various filters can be applied to restrict the results. Thus, it is possible to search by disease categories or filter the results, for example, by rare diseases. Interested individuals can also find out whether research participants are being recruited and how those responsible for the project can be contacted.

Various improvements have now been introduced:

• The display now shows whether results are available for a clinical trial. A filter function also allows a targeted search to be made specifically for trials with available results.

• Clinical trials conducted in Switzerland that recruit children, adolescents or healthy persons can now be viewed separately with these specific filters.

• The ethics committee that has approved the clinical trial as well as the date of approval are listed.

Tasks of the Coordination Office

The portal is operated by the Coordination Office for Human Research (kofam). kofam plays a coordinating role in the area of human research in Switzerland and provides information to the general public and researchers. For interested individuals, the kofam website offers resources including explanatory videos and a human research glossary.

Last modification 12.10.2020

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