
Here you’ll find important news from the broad range of different fields in which we operate, from preventive care and the treatment of disease to mandatory health insurance and the current healthcare debate.

Swiss Antibiotic Resistance Report 2024

Bern, 18.11.2024 – The new Swiss Antibiotic Resistance Report (SARR) reveals that, despite progress in the fight against antibiotic resistance, further efforts are needed.

2024 population survey on antibiotic resistance

Bern, 11.11.2024 – What does the population of Switzerland know and think about antibiotics and antibiotic resistance? The results of the 2024 population survey of the Swiss Strategy on Antibiotic Resistance (StAR) provide an insight.

The Human Research Act (HRA) is ten years old

Bern, 22.10.2024 – The Human Research Act came into force in Switzerland ten years ago. The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) has announced a symposium to mark the anniversary. It will take place in Bern on 22 November 2024.

Join action plan to combat antibiotic resistance

Bern, 26.6.2024 – The Federal Council has adopted the One Health Action Plan 2024-27 under the Swiss Antibiotic Resistance Strategy (StAR), reinforcing the strategy and taking decisive action to combat antibiotic resistance.

New Head of International Affairs Division

Bern, 15.4.2024 – From 1 August 2024, Barbara Schedler Fischer is to lead the International Affairs Division of the FOPH. As Vice Director, she will also be a member of senior management.

Reports on the activities of the ethics committees and human research

Bern, 24.11.2023 – Human research in Switzerland: A review of 2022. Following the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of research projects in Switzerland returned to normal and was close to pre-pandemic levels.

Combating antibiotic resistance together

Bern, 16.11.2023 – The global health community will be putting the focus once again on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) from 18 to 24 November, to raise awareness of the issue among the public, professionals and the political world.

Global Ministerial Patient Safety Summit

Bern, 22.2.2023 – On 23 and 24 February 2023, Switzerland will be the host of the fifth Global Ministerial Patient Safety Summit. Experts and policymakers from around the world will meet for talks in Montreux.

The impact of the pandemic on mental health

Bern, 21.2.2023 – Our spectra podcast looks back in a four-part series on COVID pandemic times, together with the people who were with us to help master its many challenges. Episode 3: Mental health.

COVID-19 crisis management: in the eye of the storm

Bern, 6.2.2023 – In a four-part series, the spectra podcast looks back at the COVID pandemic together with those involved in managing it, both within the FOPH and outside. Episode 2 looks at the topic of crisis management.

Switzerland and antibiotics – 2022 population survey

Bern, 2.2.2023 – Almost one fifth of the Swiss population took antibiotics in the past year. But what do the Swiss know about the use and consumption of antibiotics and the development of antibiotic resistance? We commissioned a survey.

Delays for new health insurance cards

Bern, 11.1.2023 – Some delays are currently being experienced in the issuing of new health insurance cards. Affected insured persons who do not yet have their card remain entitled to all benefits provided for under the Federal Health Insurance Act.

Arrange it, don't postpone it: organ donation

Bern, 27.12.2022 – In its new public campaign “Arrange it, don't postpone it: organ donation.” the FOPH and Swisstransplant are encouraging people to make a decision about organ donation now, write it down and tell their family about it.

Pandemic has intensified digitalisation

Bern, 15.12.2022 – In a four-part series, “spectra podcast” looks back at the time of the coronavirus pandemic. Together with people who contributed at and with the FOPH to the management of the crisis. Episode 1 on the topic of digitalisation.

Preventing antimicrobial resistance together

Bern, 18.11.2022 – From 18 to 24 November 2022, the international community is turning its attentions to antimicrobial resistance. The aim is to raise global awareness of the topic among the general public, professionals and policymakers.

Monkeypox vaccine arrived

Bern, 7.11.2022 – The Confederation received the first shipment of monkeypox vaccine on 1 November. The pharmacy of the Armed Forces will deliver the 4000 doses to the cantons of Basel-Stadt, Geneva, Vaud and Zurich from the end of the week.

NCCS-Impacts programme: open to project proposals

Bern, 17.5.2022 – How is climate change impacting different connected sectors? To answer this question, in June 2022 the Swiss federal government’s National Centre for Climate Services (NCCS) is putting four projects out to tender.

New website on mobile communications and 5G

Bern, 15.6.2022 – Three federal offices provide information on mobile communications and 5G on behalf of the Federal Council via a website created especially for this purpose.

Stay self-determined: consultation on model

Bern, 19.5.2022 – Even when you are no longer capable of judgement, you want to be treated in accordance with your wishes. This requires advance care planning. Now a model enabling people to do this is available for consultation.

Reports on the activities of the ethics committees and human research

Bern, 21.12.21 – The coronavirus pandemic has also left its mark on human research in Switzerland, as illustrated by the activity report of the research supervisory authorities and the statistical report on human research for 2020.

COVID-19 Social Monitor: selected results

Bern, 2.12.2021 – The COVID-19 Social Monitor tracks the social and public health changes in the population during the pandemic. The interim report with results up to summer 2021, is now available.

Coronavirus: every vaccination counts

Bern, 3.11.2021 - The federal government and the cantons are staging a National Vaccination Week between 8 and 14 November 2021. The focus is on various advisory services and events, and on providing easy access to vaccination.

Get tested after holidays – even with no symptoms.

Berne, 2.8.2021 - Summer holidays mean more contacts between people and can lead to an increase in COVID-19 infections. So anyone who hasn’t been vaccinated or recovered from COVID should have a test when they get back from their holidays – even if they don’t have symptoms.

New look for the SafeZone online platform

21.4.2021 – The relaunched SafeZone online addiction advice platform gives visitors the option of asking questions and doing additional self-tests, and provides more information and assistance for families of those with addictions.

Last modification 06.02.2023

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
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3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 462 95 05

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