New Coronavirus 2019-nCoV: first confirmed case in Switzerland
Bern, 25.02.2020 - One person from the canton of Ticino has been confirmed as being infected with the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV. The individual is currently in hospital and has been put in an isolation unit. Their health condition is good.
The infected person was in Italy around 10 days ago. They attended a gathering in the vicinity of Milan.
Tests carried out by the National Reference Centre for Emerging Viral Diseases in Geneva confirmed that the person was infected with the new coronavirus. It is the first confirmed case in Switzerland.
People in close contact with the individual are being notified and placed in quarantine. The cantonal and federal authorities are taking all necessary measures to prevent the virus from spreading to others. This includes identifying people that the infected came into contact with and monitoring their condition in quarantine over the next 14 days.
The risk assessment remains unchanged despite this first diagnosed case in Switzerland: the new coronavirus presents only a moderate risk for the general public. However, in view of the rising number of confirmed cases around the world, and particularly in northern Italy, there is a strong likelihood of further cases occurring in Switzerland. The medical services are well prepared to identify and deal with suspected cases and treat further patients.
The new coronavirus was first confirmed in early 2020 in the Chinese province of Hubei. According to official figures, over 80,000 people have now been infected with the virus worldwide.
The Federal Office of Public Health will hold a press conference in the Media Centre at 5pm on Tuesday, 25.2.2020. The Canton of Ticino will hold a simultaneous conference in Bellinzona.
Address for enquiries
Federal Office of Public Health, Communications, +41 58 462 95 05,
Federal Office of Public Health
Federal Department of Home Affairs