In focus

Health agreement Switzerland-EU

Health agreement Switzerland-EU

The negotiations between Switzerland and the European Union (EU) have been materially concluded. The negotiated health agreement enhances the instruments available to Switzerland to ensure better protection for its population.

Avoid respiratory infections

Avoid respiratory infections

A number of respiratory illnesses, such as influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) or COVID-19 show similar symptoms. There is a heightened risk of infection in indoor spaces. Simple measures prevent infection.

Travel and mosquitoes: how to protect yourself from illness

Travel and mosquitoes: how to protect yourself from illness

When traveling to tropical or subtropical regions, there is a risk of contracting diseases such as chikungunya, dengue, Zika, and malaria. Protect yourself properly and reduce the risk of local transmission.

Gesundheitsinformationen für Schutzsuchende aus der Ukraine

Health information for people who have fled Ukraine

Useful information on medical care, health insurance and other health topics in Ukrainian and other languages.


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New spectra on tobacco prevention in Switzerland

New spectra on tobacco prevention in Switzerland

Some 9,500 people die in Switzerland every year from the consequences of tobacco use, while associated healthcare costs run into the billions. The new Tobacco Products Act is intended to better protect the Swiss population. Article available in German and French.

Cannabis pilot trials

Cannabis pilot trials

The FOPH has published the first analysis report on the cannabis pilot trials. The study provides an overview of the experiences to date and presents the initial results.

Survey on the health of people over 65

Survey on the health of people over 65

In Switzerland, the majority of people aged 65 or over rate their health as good, very good or excellent. This was shown by a survey conducted in ten countries in 2024 (available in German; summary in French).

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Strategy Health2030

Everyone in Switzerland should continue to benefit from high-quality, affordable healthcare. In the Health2030 Strategy, you can find out how the Federal Council intends to achieve this goal.

